EyE gouging incident yields Wilfolk only a fine, indicating the NFL's favored position towards the Patriots. Look for the Cheatriots to win the Super Bowl with help from the referees if necessary.
WILFORK GOT OFF WAY TOO EASY We're amazed -- amazed -- that Pats defensive tackle Vince Wilfork was fined only $15,000 for treating Giants running back Brandon Jacobs like he'd just said "nyuk, nyuk, nyuk." Wilfork jammed his stubby finger into Jacobs' eye! Sure, Jacobs wasn't hurt. But the act was still heinous. If the officials had seen it, he surely would have been ejected. So why wasn't he suspended? And given that it was Wilfork's third fine of the year for on-field misbehavior, we think that he at least should have been fined far more than $15,000. Finally, a reader has made a great suggestion. Why not base these fines on a percentage of the player's annual salary? As it now stands, these penalties affect players of different income levels differently. The goal, however, should be to create a deterrent effect that is consistent. The best way to do that is to take away a specific portion of the player's pay. |