Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Palin Abuse of Power

Palin has strongly denied that Monegan's dismissal had anything to do
with her former brother-in-law. She said she never pressured the
commissioner to fire her sister's ex-husband and no one from her office
had complained about Wooten.

Abuse of power for the G.O.P. is the status quo; a harbinger of things to come. More will be revealed.

MCCain: no due diligence on Palin.

McCain also criticized $450,000 set aside for an agricultural processing facility in Wasilla that was requested during Palin's tenure as mayor and cleared Congress soon after she left office in 2002. The funding was provided to help direct locally grown produce to schools, prisons and other government institutions, according to Taxpayers for Common Sense, a nonpartisan watchdog group.

Come on, now.

Look, this means one of two things. Either John McCain barely looked into Palin's background and didn't realize he called her a Federal funding hog in the past. Or, McCain's team did vet her, knew she worked for everything McCain stood against, and he didn't give a damn that she wasn't the reformer he would make her out to be. If that's true, then he's saying he doesn't care because this was a craven political selection, not one based on principle or ability.

Whichever it is, it sure isn't good for McCain. But, he does need to answer this important question - did he vet her, or is he simply misrepresenting her to the nation?

Oh, and this has nothing to do with sexism. It has to do with the man topping the ticket, not doing his due diligence on his first major presidential decision.

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