Friday, March 11, 2011

Earthquake, 9.9,Tsunami coming USA West!

"Earthquake, 9.9,Tsunami hits Japan, many Souls gone,'WILL HIT WEST COAST America TODAY,3-11-11!!!.AVI" (Hit Japan yesterday -3-10-11 . Godspeed.

Red Fucking alert! So it begins, grandmother Earth trying to cleanse self. Hawaii, California, Wwasington Oregon, Baja, this is 9.9!!! (they report 8.9 on new scale)

Active warnings from the Pacific Tsunami Center include Hawaii, California, Oregon, Washington and Alaska.

The magnitude 8.9 earthquake, the largest ever recorded in Japan, struck Friday at 2:46 p.m. Tokyo time. That's 12:46 a.m. Eastern Standard Time, a 14-hour difference.

Its epicenter was about 231 miles from Tokyo, unleashing a 13-foot tsunami that swept boats, cars, buildings and tons of debris miles inland.

Officials have reported at least 60 deaths and at least 56 people missing. That death toll is expected to climb as the massive rescue operation in Japan continues.

To put it in perspective, the 2010 earthquake in Haiti was magnitude 7.0. ~ Sods

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