Tuesday, August 31, 2010

19 Year old American dies from Israeli Flotilla Agression

You won't find any reporting of this to the sheeple to the brain dead consumers of Fox, CNN, MSNBC and the rest. Why you ask. Because they are all controlled by a foreign Zionist agenda. Zionism (acronym for Nazism) is a political movement, with no relation to Judaism my dear sheeple. Bah,bah.

How Israeli propaganda shaped U.S. media coverage of the flotilla attack

Salon - Glenn Greenwald

It was clear from the moment news of the flotilla attack emerged that Israel was taking extreme steps to suppress all evidence about what happened other than its own official version.  They detained the flotilla passengers and barred the media from speaking with them, thus, as The NYT put it, "refusing to permit journalists access to witnesses who might contradict Israel's version of events." 

They detained the journalists who were on the ship for days and seized their film, video and cameras.  And worst of all, the IDF -- while still refusing to disclose the full, unedited, raw footage of the incident -- quickly released an extremely edited video of their commandos landing on the ship, which failed even to address, let alone refute, the claim of the passengers:  that the Israelis were shooting at the ship before the commandos were on board.

This campaign of suppression and propaganda worked to shape American media coverage...

The edited IDF video was shown over and over on American television without question or challenge.  Israeli officials and Israel-devoted commentators appeared all over television -- almost always unaccompanied by any Turkish, Palestinian or Muslim critics of the raid -- to spout the Israeli version without opposition

Israel-centric pundits in America claimed, based on the edited IDF video, that anyone was lying who even reported on the statements of the passengers that Israeli fired first.  In sum, that the Israelis used force only after the passengers attacked the commandos became Unquestioned Truth in American discourse.

But now that the passengers and journalists have been released from Israeli detention and are speaking out, a much different story is emerging.  As I noted yesterday, numerous witnesses and journalists are describing Israeli acts of aggression, including the shooting of live ammunition, before the commandos landed.  The New York Times blogger Robert Mackey today commendably compiles that evidence -- I recommend it highly -- and he writes:  "now that the accounts of activists and journalists who were detained by Israel after the raid are starting to be heard, it is clear that their stories and that of the Israeli military do not match in many ways."

As Juan Cole says:  "Many passengers have now confirmed that they were fired on even before the commandos had boots on the deck. Presumably it is this suppressive fire that killed or wounded some passengers and which provoked an angry reaction and an attack on the commandos."

Whether the Israelis fired at the passengers before or after landing on the ship matters little to the crux of what happened here.  The initial act of aggression was the Israeli seizing of a ship in international waters which was doing nothing hostile; that action was taken to enforce a horrific, inhumane blockade and, more generally, a brutal, decades-long occupation; and whatever else is true, at least nine civilians were killed by the Israeli Navy, only the latest example of Israel (and the U.S.) using massive military force against civilians.....

Nobody's claims are entitled to an automatic assumption of truth, including these passengers.  But as Mackey argues, all of this compellingly underscores the need for an independent -- not an Israeli-led -- investigation.  Mackey quotes Israeli journalist and blogger Noam Sheifaz:

Israel has confiscated some of the most important material for the investigation, namely the films, audio and photos taken by the passengers [and] journalists on board and the Mavi Marmara’s security cameras. Since yesterday, Israel has been editing these films and using them for its own PR campaign. In other words, Israel has already confiscated most of the evidence, held it from the world and tampered with it. No court in the world would [trust] it to be the one examining it......
Israel-Palestine: The Missing Headlines

Studies show that US coverage is Israeli-centric. The main bureaus for CNN, Associated Press, Time, etc. are located in Israel and often staffed by Israelis. The son of the NY Times bureau chief is in the Israeli army;"pundit" Jeffrey Goldberg served in the IDF; Wolf Blitzer worked for AIPAC. Because the U.S. gives Israel $7 million/day - more than to any other nation - we feel it is essential that we be fully informed on this region. Below are news reports to augment mainstream coverage.

See more at www.israel-palestinenews.org

Corexit found at Toxic levels in Homosassa, Florida

When the hurricane hits is just a matter of time. God Yahweh help us from the evil manifestation of this Luciferian creation.

EXCLUSIVE: Tests find sickened family has 50.3 ppm of Corexit’s 2-butoxyethanol in swimming pool — JUST ONE HOUR NORTH OF TAMPA (lab report included)

*Exclusive* Credit: FloridaOilSpillLaw.com
August 30th, 2010 at 09:13 AM Print Post Email Post

“Our heads are still swimming,” stated Barbara Schebler of Homosassa, Florida, who received word last Friday that test results on the water from her family’s swimming pool showed 50.3 ppm of 2-butoxyethanol, a marker for the dispersant Corexit 9527A used to break up and sink BP’s oil in the Gulf of Mexico.

EXCLUSIVE: Tests find sickened family has 50.3 ppm of Corexit’s 2-butoxyethanol in swimming pool — JUST ONE HOUR NORTH OF TAMPA (lab report included)

August 30th, 2010 at 09:13 AM Print Post Email Post

*Exclusive* Credit: FloridaOilSpillLaw.com

“Our heads are still swimming,” stated Barbara Schebler of Homosassa, Florida, who received word last Friday that test results on the water from her family’s swimming pool showed 50.3 ppm of 2-butoxyethanol, a marker for the dispersant Corexit 9527A used to break up and sink BP’s oil in the Gulf of Mexico.

The problems began for the Scheblers a few weeks after the April 20 blow-out. “Our first clue were rashes we both got early in May. Both my husband and I couldn’t get rid of the rashes and had to get cream from our doctor,” Schebler noted, “I never had a rash in my life.”

Then, on “July [23], my husband Warren mowed the lawn. It was hot so he got in the pool to cool off afterward. That afternoon he had severe diarrhea and very dark urine. This lasted about 2 days,” she revealed.


“At night we would hear very low aircraft, including helicopters. We figured they were just heading to help out in the Gulf,” and Mrs. Schebler added that she was told, “The prevailing winds from the Gulf are easterly — and when they spray, it is airborne — and that we are right in the path of those winds.” It was also noted that, “We had alot of rain here before my husband got sick, and wondered what was going on… We had been having daily downpours in July.”

  • Tim

    I knew it.

    For days after they said they had capped that well there were all sort of fish kills in some of the interior lakes in Alabama, Mississippi, and LA. Thank you for the report, maybe this will wake some people up. Of course, I do not suppose you will EVER see this in the MAIN STREAM NEWS media — They have to protect their president I guess when they should be protecting the people of the gulf.

Read more at www.floridaoilspilllaw.com


Amplify’d from blogs.myspace.com

August 29, 2010 - Sunday 

Americans: Behind the scenes intelligence briefings
ALL Patriot
Americans MUST know...the REAL facts and truth the
corporate-controlled mainstream media covers up
anta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protoc

Category: News and Politics


Americans: Behind the scenes intelligence briefings
ALL Patriot
Americans MUST know...the REAL facts and truth the
corporate-controlled mainstream media covers up

Breaking News
Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols Update

Heneghan, I
nternational Intelligence Expert

Saturday  August 28, 2010


America  - 
we bring you American Patriot Ambassador Leo Wanta's fax that was sent
to President Barack Obama to at last fund the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand
Protocols and save our great nation, eliminate the U.S. deficit, and put
MILLIONS of Americans back to work with the construction of a high speed
rail project, the AmeriRail.


Read more at blogs.myspace.com

Monday, August 16, 2010

Amplify is a little social network tool that helps to cut down some of the bring repetitive nature of editing. I ma mostly interested in video editing.Anyway, Tom Heneghan who I consider as my own intelligence expert reports on WHAT IS REALLY HAPPENING behind the curtain. Cough*, BTW, happy anniversary wizard of oz, strawman this past week. Dorothy, toto and two other dogs star! ;) :)BTW, this is tom h's blog i'm linking on my Space. Get your own you say? Yes, to cyberville connection . http://amplify.com/u/8raj

Sunday, August 8, 2010

|Obama Approves Implementation of Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols

Folks, we are talking about $27.5 TRILLION that has been "shanghei'd" into offshore accounts from the US and French treasury. This is certainly great news. THe White Knight is also reporting good news I see.

Reference "Inward Remittance"



Saturday, August 7, 2010

A BP Crime Scene? | Oil & Gas Market

A BP Crime Scene? | Oil & Gas Market
The blog "the economy collapse" talks about it there.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols

TRILLIONS of dollars of cash in secret Bush-Clinton Crime Family

Obviously what is happening now, as predicted, is the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate, along with its enabler, sexual terrorist Matt Drudge is clearly doing the bidding of the British Monarchy.

All of this is being enabled by the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate and its puppet, foreign-born [born in Kenya] President, CIA and British Intelligence asset Barack Hussein Obama-Soetero.

Future intelligence briefings, which will include an update on the criminal investigation of major Israeli Mossad-Hollywood, California types that have been involved in the financial support to the individuals that have promoted these anti-Al Gore tabloid smear operations that is designed to discredit Gore's testimony before the National Security Court Grand Jury.

Amplify’d from blogs.myspace.com
we reported to you in our previous intelligence briefing, the banks of
the European European, including the U.S. Federal Reserve, are a
carousel of toxic assets and sovereign debt beyond anyone's

All of this ties in to the Sir R. Allen Stanford Ponzi Scheme, which has brought the entire world banking system to its knees.

below investigative journalist Wayne Madsen's brilliant and extensive
report on the Standford Ponzi Scheme as it relates to the worldwide
financial crisis, which is now reaching a crescendo.

Note: That
is why it is so important to implement the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand
Protocols so that the
toxic assets and derivatives, that have polluted
the world banking system be actually taken out of our banks under
emergency condition with the back end of the derivatives aka TRILLIONS
of dollars of cash in secret Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate offshore accounts, and the cash proceeds from the derivatives, be identified and accordingly be brought back to the U.S.
Treasury and other nations Treasuries that have been looted.

Reference: The accounts are located in India and Pakistan with a link to Goldman Sachs' secret offshore hedge funds.

is what Paul Volcker advised Obama to do in his first week as President
in January of 2009.  Instead Obama-Soetero appointed ponzi scheme
croupier Timothy Geithner as U.S. Treasury Secretary.

This all
dovetails to the recent National Security Court testimony by former Vice
President now year 2000 duly elected President Albert Gore Jr., French
President Nicolas Sarkozy and Obama National Security Advisor General
James Jones.  This testimony, with evidence, has fingered the
Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate and its enablers in:

the LOOTING of the U.S. Treasury,
the shredding of the U.S. Constitution,
assassinations of political enemies,
false flag terrorist attacks on American soil
including 9/11, and
the recent British Intelligence-British Petroleum terrorist attack in the Gulf of Mexico

The secret National Security Court outside of Washington, D.C. now has
enough evidence against practicing 3rd degree witch, dysfunctional U.S.
Secretary of State and closet lesbian Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton aka
"Queen Melusina" and practicing 5th degree witch, the wife of George
Herbert Walker Bush, Barbara Bush, aka the "Bookkeeper" to have them
both immediately arrested for HIGH TREASON of unspeakable proportions. 

At this hour we can report that sources close to French Intelligence and
the U.S. Military have concluded that the British Monarchy and its
Israeli Mossad enablers have declared WAR on the United States and are
dedicated to creating a 'MARTIAL LAW' environment, which will allow the
British-Yiddish gang to sweep up all U.S. assets and resources,
including what is left of our gold reserve, and effectively turn the
American People into indentured servants.

Note: Internet mogul, closet
homosexual and sexual terrorist, neocon ZIONIST Jew Matt Drudge aka
Drecht just recently put up a news alert claiming that the Obama White
House approved the release of the Lockerbie bomber on behalf of the
government of Libya.

The British newspaper, the Sunday Times, did not mention who in the White House approved of this.

This story was leaked to Drudge by British Intelligence, former British
Prime Minister and Dunblaine pedophile and war criminal, Tony Blair,
with the approval of godfather George Herbert Walker Bush and none other
than dysfunctional U.S. Secretary of State, loser and closet lesbian
Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton.  Obviously what is happening now, as we
predicted, is that the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate, along with
its enabler, sexual terrorist Matt Drudge is clearly doing the bidding
of the British Monarchy.

All of this is being enabled by the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate and its puppet,
foreign-born [born in Kenya] President, CIA and British Intelligence asset Barack Hussein Obama-Soetero.

Stay tuned for future intelligence briefings, which will include an
update on the criminal investigation of major Israeli Mossad-Hollywood,
California types that have been involved in the financial support to the
individuals that have promoted these anti-Al Gore tabloid smear
operations that is designed to discredit Gore's testimony before the
National Security Court Grand Jury.

We will also bring you an update on dysfunctional U.S. Secretary of State, loser and lesbian in-the-closet
Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton's attempt to use the State Department as a
headquarters for her new assassination teams that are currently training
in Iraq.

Given closet lesbian Hillary's legal problems, one can only imagine who the targets will be on American soil.

closing, remember, it is the corporate-controlled, fascist and
extortion-friendly U.S. criminal
NSA-Israeli Mossad controlled U.S. media that has enabled the
destruction of the U.S. economy, the U.S. Constitution and the Republic
as a whole for years on end.

Their day is coming!

SPECIAL REPORT. Stanford International Bank became a new BCCI

by Wayne Madsen

July 23-25, 2010

has learned from knowledgeable sources who have attempted to locate the
global assets of the now-defunct Stanford Financial Group and its
parallel Stanford International Bank, Ltd. in the Caribbean nation of
Antigua and Barbuda, that the global entity resembles the former "bank
of choice" for the CIA, the Bank of Credit and Commerce International

BCCI's fortunes began to turn sour
in 1988 when its involvement in money laundering began to become public.
A few years earlier, Allen Stanford moved from Texas to the Caribbean
island of Montserrat to start up Guardian International Bank. Stanford's
bank later abandoned Montserrat and moved to Antigua where it was
re-named Stanford International Bank. As BCCI began to crumble, Stanford
was able to pick up the pieces.

Within ten years, Stanford Financial Group had replaced BCCI as the company of choice for "The Company," the CIA.

who have delved into the records of Stanford reveal, "for more
than twenty years, multiple US government agencies watched on as Allen
Stanford built a global web of fraudulent financial companies that were
managed from Stanford’s corporate headquarters in Houston, Texas.  The
lynch pin of the Stanford fraud was of course, the offshore bank in
Antigua – Stanford International Bank (SIB)."

The Israeli Connection to Stanford
Read more at blogs.myspace.com

The Wake Up Call- Still sleeping?

Invitation to Belfast-any excuse to see Eire-figure in pub time. got to go even if you don't drink. Your family, yes?

The Wake Up Call 3: Scotland, Sat 20th Nov 2010 - Wake Up Call Belfast (Powered by CubeCart)

Wake up world -Europe in Belfast! Illuminati stronghold "ethereal warriors" -use buddy system. Haven't been there briefly, i mean very briefly. Hopped a bout with fams to Limey land. lol
anyway-may be last chance to see Eire b4 the 'mini ice age'. Phickin fore! Duck!

Read more at astateofdenial.blogspot.com

The Wake Up Call 3: Scotland, Sat 20th Nov 2010 - Wake Up Call Belfast (Powered by CubeCart)

The Wake Up Call 3: Scotland, Sat 20th Nov 2010 - Wake Up Call Belfast (Powered by CubeCart)

Wake up world -Europe in Belfast! Illuminati stronghold "ethereal warriors" -use buddy system. Haven't been there briefly, i mean very briefly. Hopped a bout with fams to Limey land. lol
anyway-may be last chance to see Eire b4 the 'mini ice age'. Phickin fore! Duck!

Daniel has Connected Dots

this is a great video about mysteries, occult, modern events, false flags & a slew of events that are connected in ways that are statistically impossible !

Please, rate comment or sub. :)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Daniel has Connected the Dots!

Gematria, numerology, 420, 4-19, what does all this have to do with the occult you ask and world events. Watch rate and subscribe and i show you" how deep the rabbit hole goes". The world is waking up, now the peeps of the US need to as well. The awakening is starting

Thanks 4 watching!

chris mac

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols, returns TRILLIONS of $$$ to U.S.& French Treasuries

Amplify’d from blogs.myspace.com
we have predicted, at least half of the U.S. Military has had it with
the corruption inside the U.S. government, the corporate-controlled,
fascist, extortion-friendly U.S. media and the Bush-Clinton Crime Family
Syndicate that has destroyed the U.S. Republic
is coming next, folks, the secrets of 9/11 and the assassination teams
that have targeted the American People, as well as more on the Central
Bank of Iraq, the U.S. Federal Reserve and the LOOTING of the U.S.
Treasury?  Stay tuned.
note: Be sure to check in on our next intelligence briefing in which we
will have more on the criminal  investigation dealing with the attempt
to blackmail
former Vice President, now year 2000 duly elected President Albert Gore
Jr. and the financial support for this smear operation, which involves
funding of the National Enquirer through the financial channels of the
former Stanford-Madoff Ponzi Schemes and Rupert Murdoch Greenberg's FOX
News channel.
will also have more on the roles of media scumbags, current USC aka
university of spoiled cheats law professor, lesbian Susan Estrich,
sexual terrorist Matt Drudge aka Drecht, Sam Donaldson of ABC News,
massive "Stellar Wind" spy operation orchestrated by current U.S.
Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois, Patrick Fitzgerald,
targeted former Vice President Al Gore and his family for years with the
Molly Hagerty Picture
Israeli Mossad paid asset, masseuse Molly Hagerty
We can now report that the alleged masseuse or masseuses that have made
libelous claims against the former Vice President are really Israeli
MOSSAD assets and were paid directly by the Israeli Mossad itself
utilizing the financial channels of the Bernard Madoff-Standford Ponzi

Category: News and Politics
aka a Writ of Mandamus ordering the final implementation of the
Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols, which would return TRILLIONS of
dollars back to both the U.S. and French Treasuries.
Wanta Case Escalates as Showdown Looms on American Soil, Part 1 of 2


International Intelligence Expert

Sunday  July 25,


American Patriot Ambassador Leo Wanta, one of the bravest men in the world

STATES of America 
now be reported that the crooked Obama Administration has been fingered
in using the internet service Google in censoring a Federal Court Order
aka a Writ of Mandamus ordering the final implementation of the
Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols, which would return TRILLIONS of
dollars back to both the U.S. and French Treasuries.

The implementation of the Protocols would also finance a high speed rail
project that would be partly financed at NO taxpayers' expense,
eliminate the U.S. budget deficit and put America back to work.

can now happily report that this attempt at censorship has been
defeated thanks to the work of our great ally of 200 years, the Republic
of France.

We now bring you the actual article plus the Writ of Mandamus that was being censored, available in Part 2 of 2:

American Patriot Ambassador Leo Wanta, one of the bravest men in the world

Category: News and Politics

Wanta Case Escalates as Showdown Looms on American Soil, Part 1 of 2


International Intelligence Expert

Sunday  July 25,


American Patriot Ambassador Leo Wanta, one of the bravest men in the world

STATES of America 
now be reported that the crooked Obama Administration has been fingered
in using the internet service Google in censoring a Federal Court Order
aka a Writ of Mandamus ordering the final implementation of the
Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols, which would return TRILLIONS of
dollars back to both the U.S. and French Treasuries.

The implementation of the Protocols would also finance a high speed rail
project that would be partly financed at NO taxpayers' expense,
eliminate the U.S. budget deficit and put America back to work.

can now happily report that this attempt at censorship has been
defeated thanks to the work of our great ally of 200 years, the Republic
of France.

We now bring you the actual article plus the Writ of Mandamus that was being censored, available in Part 2 of 2:

Read more at blogs.myspace.com

The elements are in place and elements (greater than half) loyal to the US constitution are proceeding as planned. THe oathkeepers for instance are one such group. Stay tuned .If you like you may subscribe here.http://www.youtube.com/user/astateofdenial http://amplify.com/u/8co0

"We the corporations"/Move to Amend

"We the corporations" | Move to Amend

This is about a constitutional amendment to give a voice back to the people. Pay attention sheeple, fema and dhs has/will suspend your rights whenever they darn well please, thank you very mucho.

The Second American Revolution

Now in progress, revolutionary mode. At least 1/2 the american military is 'sick & tired' of the toxification of the US government & theft of the US Treasury by factions within the US government. This may seem unbelievable to some. I however have known for quite some time about the financial 'coup d'etat' that has taken place due in large part to people like the writer of this blog, Tom Heneghan. The BP oil spill 2010 is the final straw 4 many who r waking up.


This is real people. In fact Thomas Jefferson and others have said 'freedom is not free' & 'our obligation to throw off the bonds' Add the 'debt ' all world humanoids are burdened with & we are worse off than slaves. No joke.

UNITED STATES of America  - 
massive money laundry has also been tied into a worldwide narcotics
trafficking operation involving the Russian mafia and the current
Afghanistan gov
ernment of Hamid Karzai.
U.S. Treasury investigators are working directly with patriotic members
of the U.S. Military (now in revolt) and have discovered that the Ponzi
Scheme and the Central Bank of Iraq was the lynch pin for the LOOTING
of the U.S. Treasury by the TREASONOUS criminal Bush-Clinton Crime Family
U.S. Treasury investigators have also discovered that the STOLEN U.S.
Treasury funds were disguised in agricultural subsidies laundered
through the Central Bank of Iraq, and now, along with known financial
terrorist George Soros, are trying to corner the wheat futures market.
Treasury investigators have
also discovered that the Iraq Reconstruction money was laundered right
through the U.S. Treasury and the U.S. Federal Reserve and did not meet
U.S. State Department requirements that separate accounts be set up when
it comes to U.S. foreign aid to foreign nations such as Iraq.
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speaks during a joint news 
<br />conference with Georgia's President Mikheil Saakashvili in Tbilisi July 
<br />5, 2010. Clinton on Monday said Washington was concerned about Russia's 
<br />construction of permanent military bases in two rebel regions of Georgia
<br /> and would not accept Russian spheres of influence.
TREASONOUS illegal practice continues as we speak and is not only being
condoned by known criminal, loser Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton, but also
by U.S. "puppet"
riangular Bernard Madoff,
Robert Allen Stanford and Federal Reserve Bank of New York Ponzi Scheme.

New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo has subpoenaed the records of
major New York insurance companies, including New York Life, Prudential,
AIG (American International Group) and MetLife in regards to these
insurance companies major tie-in to the triangular Bernard Madoff,
Robert Allen Stanford and Federal Reserve Bank of New York Ponzi Scheme.
we are talking about here, folks, is that these aforementioned
insurance companies are not divulging these fraudulent assets, which
were on their books.

U.S. Treasury investigators, along with their European counterparts,
have also discovered that major Spanish and Italian banks were LOOTED by
this triangular Ponzi Scheme aka counterfeit bond auctions.  The major
benefactors were none other than financial terrorists George Soros and
Warren Buffett.
European banks must now re-finance millions if not billions dollars
worth of these bonds, which conceivably could all be counterfeit.
Remember, folks, it has been well reported that former illegal White House occupant George W. BushFRAUD and former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan
sent Federal Reserve plates to the Central Bank of Iraq and engaged in a major counterfeiting operation involving Iraqi dinar.
The latest leaks concerning the role of the Pakistani ISI and their
role in Afghanistan suggest a major split in the U.S. Military is now
we have predicted, at least half of the U.S. Military has had it with
the corruption inside the U.S. government, the corporate-controlled,
fascist, extortion-friendly U.S. media and the Bush-Clinton Crime Family
Syndicate that has destroyed the U.S. Republic
is coming next, folks, the secrets of 9/11 and the assassination teams
that have targeted the American People, as well as more on the Central
Bank of Iraq, the U.S. Federal Reserve and the LOOTING of the U.S.
Treasury?  Stay tuned.
Read more at blogs.myspace.com

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

BP oil spill 2010,Over !

750 ships can not find oil. Signs underwater bugs eating BP 's ROV robot probe!

sea floor unstable

see links below video

rate, like subscribe.


chris mac

Amplify’d from www.youtube.com


17 videos

BP oil spill 2010,Over !
See more at www.youtube.com

Monday, August 2, 2010

BP Oil Spill 2010 Battle 4 Soul!

Great music video with vocals by Sherrie Lea Laird and acoustic guitar by Blakk. Corporations (BP, Haliburton, et al) have rights that persons don't have. The U.S. puppet run government is powerless to protect the american people from the toxic poisoning of the environment in the gulf of mexico. It sounds a work of fiction from a Tom Clancy novel but is really happening. 1st amendment rights have been suspended in the gulf. Watch the video-beautiful and hauntingly familiar. You'll love it!