Friday, August 6, 2010

Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols

TRILLIONS of dollars of cash in secret Bush-Clinton Crime Family

Obviously what is happening now, as predicted, is the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate, along with its enabler, sexual terrorist Matt Drudge is clearly doing the bidding of the British Monarchy.

All of this is being enabled by the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate and its puppet, foreign-born [born in Kenya] President, CIA and British Intelligence asset Barack Hussein Obama-Soetero.

Future intelligence briefings, which will include an update on the criminal investigation of major Israeli Mossad-Hollywood, California types that have been involved in the financial support to the individuals that have promoted these anti-Al Gore tabloid smear operations that is designed to discredit Gore's testimony before the National Security Court Grand Jury.

Amplify’d from
we reported to you in our previous intelligence briefing, the banks of
the European European, including the U.S. Federal Reserve, are a
carousel of toxic assets and sovereign debt beyond anyone's

All of this ties in to the Sir R. Allen Stanford Ponzi Scheme, which has brought the entire world banking system to its knees.

below investigative journalist Wayne Madsen's brilliant and extensive
report on the Standford Ponzi Scheme as it relates to the worldwide
financial crisis, which is now reaching a crescendo.

Note: That
is why it is so important to implement the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand
Protocols so that the
toxic assets and derivatives, that have polluted
the world banking system be actually taken out of our banks under
emergency condition with the back end of the derivatives aka TRILLIONS
of dollars of cash in secret Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate offshore accounts, and the cash proceeds from the derivatives, be identified and accordingly be brought back to the U.S.
Treasury and other nations Treasuries that have been looted.

Reference: The accounts are located in India and Pakistan with a link to Goldman Sachs' secret offshore hedge funds.

is what Paul Volcker advised Obama to do in his first week as President
in January of 2009.  Instead Obama-Soetero appointed ponzi scheme
croupier Timothy Geithner as U.S. Treasury Secretary.

This all
dovetails to the recent National Security Court testimony by former Vice
President now year 2000 duly elected President Albert Gore Jr., French
President Nicolas Sarkozy and Obama National Security Advisor General
James Jones.  This testimony, with evidence, has fingered the
Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate and its enablers in:

the LOOTING of the U.S. Treasury,
the shredding of the U.S. Constitution,
assassinations of political enemies,
false flag terrorist attacks on American soil
including 9/11, and
the recent British Intelligence-British Petroleum terrorist attack in the Gulf of Mexico

The secret National Security Court outside of Washington, D.C. now has
enough evidence against practicing 3rd degree witch, dysfunctional U.S.
Secretary of State and closet lesbian Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton aka
"Queen Melusina" and practicing 5th degree witch, the wife of George
Herbert Walker Bush, Barbara Bush, aka the "Bookkeeper" to have them
both immediately arrested for HIGH TREASON of unspeakable proportions. 

At this hour we can report that sources close to French Intelligence and
the U.S. Military have concluded that the British Monarchy and its
Israeli Mossad enablers have declared WAR on the United States and are
dedicated to creating a 'MARTIAL LAW' environment, which will allow the
British-Yiddish gang to sweep up all U.S. assets and resources,
including what is left of our gold reserve, and effectively turn the
American People into indentured servants.

Note: Internet mogul, closet
homosexual and sexual terrorist, neocon ZIONIST Jew Matt Drudge aka
Drecht just recently put up a news alert claiming that the Obama White
House approved the release of the Lockerbie bomber on behalf of the
government of Libya.

The British newspaper, the Sunday Times, did not mention who in the White House approved of this.

This story was leaked to Drudge by British Intelligence, former British
Prime Minister and Dunblaine pedophile and war criminal, Tony Blair,
with the approval of godfather George Herbert Walker Bush and none other
than dysfunctional U.S. Secretary of State, loser and closet lesbian
Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton.  Obviously what is happening now, as we
predicted, is that the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate, along with
its enabler, sexual terrorist Matt Drudge is clearly doing the bidding
of the British Monarchy.

All of this is being enabled by the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate and its puppet,
foreign-born [born in Kenya] President, CIA and British Intelligence asset Barack Hussein Obama-Soetero.

Stay tuned for future intelligence briefings, which will include an
update on the criminal investigation of major Israeli Mossad-Hollywood,
California types that have been involved in the financial support to the
individuals that have promoted these anti-Al Gore tabloid smear
operations that is designed to discredit Gore's testimony before the
National Security Court Grand Jury.

We will also bring you an update on dysfunctional U.S. Secretary of State, loser and lesbian in-the-closet
Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton's attempt to use the State Department as a
headquarters for her new assassination teams that are currently training
in Iraq.

Given closet lesbian Hillary's legal problems, one can only imagine who the targets will be on American soil.

closing, remember, it is the corporate-controlled, fascist and
extortion-friendly U.S. criminal
NSA-Israeli Mossad controlled U.S. media that has enabled the
destruction of the U.S. economy, the U.S. Constitution and the Republic
as a whole for years on end.

Their day is coming!

SPECIAL REPORT. Stanford International Bank became a new BCCI

by Wayne Madsen

July 23-25, 2010

has learned from knowledgeable sources who have attempted to locate the
global assets of the now-defunct Stanford Financial Group and its
parallel Stanford International Bank, Ltd. in the Caribbean nation of
Antigua and Barbuda, that the global entity resembles the former "bank
of choice" for the CIA, the Bank of Credit and Commerce International

BCCI's fortunes began to turn sour
in 1988 when its involvement in money laundering began to become public.
A few years earlier, Allen Stanford moved from Texas to the Caribbean
island of Montserrat to start up Guardian International Bank. Stanford's
bank later abandoned Montserrat and moved to Antigua where it was
re-named Stanford International Bank. As BCCI began to crumble, Stanford
was able to pick up the pieces.

Within ten years, Stanford Financial Group had replaced BCCI as the company of choice for "The Company," the CIA.

who have delved into the records of Stanford reveal, "for more
than twenty years, multiple US government agencies watched on as Allen
Stanford built a global web of fraudulent financial companies that were
managed from Stanford’s corporate headquarters in Houston, Texas.  The
lynch pin of the Stanford fraud was of course, the offshore bank in
Antigua – Stanford International Bank (SIB)."

The Israeli Connection to Stanford

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