Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Corexit found at Toxic levels in Homosassa, Florida

When the hurricane hits is just a matter of time. God Yahweh help us from the evil manifestation of this Luciferian creation.

EXCLUSIVE: Tests find sickened family has 50.3 ppm of Corexit’s 2-butoxyethanol in swimming pool — JUST ONE HOUR NORTH OF TAMPA (lab report included)

*Exclusive* Credit: FloridaOilSpillLaw.com
August 30th, 2010 at 09:13 AM Print Post Email Post

“Our heads are still swimming,” stated Barbara Schebler of Homosassa, Florida, who received word last Friday that test results on the water from her family’s swimming pool showed 50.3 ppm of 2-butoxyethanol, a marker for the dispersant Corexit 9527A used to break up and sink BP’s oil in the Gulf of Mexico.

EXCLUSIVE: Tests find sickened family has 50.3 ppm of Corexit’s 2-butoxyethanol in swimming pool — JUST ONE HOUR NORTH OF TAMPA (lab report included)

August 30th, 2010 at 09:13 AM Print Post Email Post

*Exclusive* Credit: FloridaOilSpillLaw.com

“Our heads are still swimming,” stated Barbara Schebler of Homosassa, Florida, who received word last Friday that test results on the water from her family’s swimming pool showed 50.3 ppm of 2-butoxyethanol, a marker for the dispersant Corexit 9527A used to break up and sink BP’s oil in the Gulf of Mexico.

The problems began for the Scheblers a few weeks after the April 20 blow-out. “Our first clue were rashes we both got early in May. Both my husband and I couldn’t get rid of the rashes and had to get cream from our doctor,” Schebler noted, “I never had a rash in my life.”

Then, on “July [23], my husband Warren mowed the lawn. It was hot so he got in the pool to cool off afterward. That afternoon he had severe diarrhea and very dark urine. This lasted about 2 days,” she revealed.


“At night we would hear very low aircraft, including helicopters. We figured they were just heading to help out in the Gulf,” and Mrs. Schebler added that she was told, “The prevailing winds from the Gulf are easterly — and when they spray, it is airborne — and that we are right in the path of those winds.” It was also noted that, “We had alot of rain here before my husband got sick, and wondered what was going on… We had been having daily downpours in July.”

  • Tim

    I knew it.

    For days after they said they had capped that well there were all sort of fish kills in some of the interior lakes in Alabama, Mississippi, and LA. Thank you for the report, maybe this will wake some people up. Of course, I do not suppose you will EVER see this in the MAIN STREAM NEWS media — They have to protect their president I guess when they should be protecting the people of the gulf.

Read more at www.floridaoilspilllaw.com

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