Saturday, January 15, 2011

JA-RIN - Divine and Unconditional Love

JA-RIN - Divine and Unconditional Love

It's Saturday, a day off from labors for most. Need to feed your soul some nourishment. Dr. Sodsy Wu has the answer. My dear friend Ja-Rin has been busy. ..

...In all universes and also on planet Earth it is NOT all about punishment, retaliation and revenge or about to murder - why should it be so ... ALL souls are in a learning process. And that's all.

And EVERY soul is at anytime allowed to correct the choosen way and the behaviour so far completely - for learning - because this is the reason why the souls are here!

We are all ONE and because we are all ONE, we only punish, judge and hurt ourselves ...

But it's everywhere and always indeed about the opposite - the divine and unconditional LOVE and forgiveness!

And as soon as this cosmic quintessence got understood by the souls there will be no longer...

Click on the above link to read more. I can only point you in the path. You have to open the door.

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