Tuesday, January 4, 2011

YouTube - More Dead Birds Found In Kentucky AND La. Identical To Birds in Arkansas - Media Downplays Find

YouTube - More Dead Birds Found In Kentucky AND La. Identical To Birds in Arkansas - Media Downplays Find
500+ earthquakes in the same area since 10/2/10. Gas Co. "Fracking wells" and gas waste water dump area. I live in AR we know the truth. Media and Gov Cover UP. Worse than BP. Chile 7 mag quake 1/2/11 thousands of dead birds. Drum fish are bottom feeders, gas coming up in water killed them. No one drinks the water in that area and a lot of people ill. Gas Co exemption from regulations. Fireworks is a bad joke. Youtube: "Gasland trailer" It will scare the hell out of you.
The above was posted in the comment thread of the above video. Some people are waking up, but for many it will be too late.
i.e. You can't outrun a tsunami. ~ Sodsy

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